Holy Cross
Ukrainian Catholic Church

Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM — Pastor
o. Маріо Дацишин , ЧСВВ — Парох
Fr. Cyril Iszezuck, OSBM — Associate
o. Кирило Іщук, ЧСВВ — Сотрудник
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 11:00ам to 1:00pm
Години роботи секретарки: від Понеділка по П'ятниці, від 11-ої ран до 1-ої по пол.
Confessions: before the Divine Liturgy or by appointment
Сповідь: перед відправою або за домовленістю
Baptisms: by appointment with the pastor
Хрищення: за домовленням з парохом
Weddings: arrangements made with the pastor 6 months in advance
Вінчання: необхідно звернутися до Пароха за 6 місяців
перед вінчання
Visiting the Sick: please notify the office about loved ones in the hospital/nursing home
Відвідини хворих: просимо повідомити нас про недужих нашої парафії
Funerals: please contact the pastor before making arrangements with the funeral home
Похорон: просимо зв’язатися з парохом перш ніж домовлятися із похоронним заведенням
Divine Liturgies | Служби Божі
10:00 AM (Ukrainian)
9:00 AM (Ukrainian) and 5:00 PM (English)
7:30 AM (Ukrainian)
Holy Days~Свята
9:00 AM (Ukrainian)
6:00 PM (on Days of Obligation)
Daily before the Divine Liturgy~Щоденно перед Божественною Літургією

Recitation of the Rosary: 9:30 am Sundays before the Divine Liturgy
The prayer group "Mothers in Prayer" invites all who can, to join them in prayer at our church every last Saturday of the month at 6:00 PM
Weekly Eternal Lamp Offerings: $7
Regular Church candles: $2 For weekly: $5
We have 4 Lamps available.
Great Lent 2025 is March 1st through Easter April 20th
Sorokousty: Each Saturday starting March 3rd through April 12th after the 9:00AM Divine Liturgry
Our Parishioners
Blessing of Homes
Starting January 8th, if you would like a priest to bless your home, please text Fr. Mario at: 917-842 -2819 with your name and phone number.
Annual Church Contribution Report
Your listing of Church Contributions for FY2024 Taxes can be obtained from the church office. Please call in advance
Annual Parish Dues – We thank each parishioner and family for their contribution of the annual parish dues.
Couples/Family:$35.00; Single:$25.00; Senior Citizens:$15.00
Liturgies for 2025
You may now request Divine Liturgies for 2025 in the church rectory
$20 donation per mass. With Panachyda $25
Ukrainian Dance Classes for Children
We are planning on having children's Ukrainian folk dancing classes.
Please contact the office (718-932-4060) for further information.
Church Cleaning
Every Saturday after 10AM we are cleaning our church. Volunteers welcome!
Mnohaya Lita and Happy February Birthdays to:
Daria Bajko, Vera Chomanczuk, Maria N. Drobenko, Maria J. Drobenko,
Olga Fediv, Sandy Fedynak, Peter Lytwyn, Oksana Krupa, Yuriy Miovkanych, Olha Miovkanych, Katherine Mychajluk, Halyna Nabesnyy, Michael O'Brien, Irene Petrylak, Halyna Popivniak, Eva Swituszak, Oksana Wolowacz